Thursday, January 5, 2012


  Proprietary companies are  owned by the shareholders  whose liability for losses is restricted to the nominal value of their shares (basically that is the originally stated face value of the shares).


   Mutual companies have been formed by Deed of Settlement or registration under the Companies Acts. They are owned by the policyholders who share any profits made. The shareholder in the proprietary company receives his share of the profit by way of dividends, but in the mutual company the policyholder owner may enjoy lower premiums or higher life assurance bonuses tha would otherwise be the case.

   It is no longer possible to tell from the name of a company whether it is proprietary or mutual. Many companies which were originally formed as mutual organisations have now registered as proprietary companies.

   There are other ways of classifying insurance companies.
      (a) Specialist companies- are those which underwrite one type of insurance business only,    e.g. life companies, engineering insurance companies.
 (b) Composite companies- are those which underwrite several types of business.


   These  are  proprietary  companies  transacting  "industrial" life assurance and increasingly, "ordinary" life assurance as well. Their activities in industrial life assurance are controlled by the Industrial Assurance & Friendly Societies Acts. Premiums are collected weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Collectors are employed to call at the homes of the policyholders and new business is also transacted in this way.

   Ordinary Branch life assurance premiums are collected quarterly, half-yearly or annually, or paid by Direct Debit monthly. If the premiums were physically collected more frequently than every two months the policies would be considered to be Industrial Life Assurance and subject to the appropriate laws.


   These societies are run on a mutual basis and are formed by registration under the Friendly Societies Acts. They transact industrial life assurance and, in some cases, personal accident and sickness cover.

   Friendly societies can issue specially attractive life assurances subject to an overall premium limit of quite a low level; this premium limit does not apply to Industrial Life Assurance companies.


   Captive insurance is a method of transacting risk transfer which has become more common in recent years among the large national and international industrial compahies. The parent company forms a subcidiary company to underwrite certain of its insurable and sometimes otherwise uninsurable risks.

   Indeed the incentive to form a captive company for many large industrial concerns was that the insurance market generally was not prepared to write particular risks or provide full cover (an example would be insurance guaranteeing a product's performance).


   Mutual indemnity associations differ from mutual companies in that the latter  will accept business from the  public  at  large,  whereas  an  indemnity  association  originally would  only  accept  business from members of a particular trade. Over the years many of the associations have had to accept business from members of the public in order to have greater financial stability and spread of risk and have been reformed as mutual or proprietary companies.Examples of trades which had such associations at one time were pharmacists, farmers, furntiure manufacturers  and  shipowners.


   There are just over 26,000 members of Lloyd's grouped into approximately 400 syndicates. The trend seems to be a reducing number of richer members (names) grouped into larger syndicates. These syndicates can be made up of only a few members or in some cases more than a thousand.

   We should note that the "names", the underwriting members, are not normally insurance professionals. They come from many walks of life including the professions, the world of entertainment, the aristocracy etc. Each underwriting member is, however, fully and personally liable for all the business written on his behalf by the underwriter of the syndicate.

   In view of this unlimited liability it is essential that strict regulations apply to any person wishing to become an underwriting member. For example UK member must nowadays provide evidence of minimum means of 250,000 pounds and also deposit a proportion at Lloyd's.


   The intermediaries in the market are insurance brokers, agents, consultants and a variety of oiher people operating with differing titles. In some respects they all vary slightly in what they do, how they do it and in their responsibility for their actions.


   An agent in law is one who acts for another but in insurance the term is usually reserved for the individual or firm whose main occupation is in another field.


   A broker is an individual or firm whose full-time occupation is the placing of insurance with insurers.

   There are two categories of brokers:
 (a) Lloyd's brokers: they are the only persons permitted to place business at Lloyd's.
  They a)so place business in the company market;
 (b) other brokers (just termed "brokers").

   Both categories are full-time professionals who must be registered in accordance with the Insurance Brokers (Registration) Act 1977.

   They normally act as agents for the insured (Lloyd's brokers always so), and are generally remunerated by a higher rate of commission than agents. By calling themselves "brokers" they are holding themselves out to be experts in the field of insurance and have a higher duty of care to their clients than agents.

Insurance Consultant.

   Another  category of  intermediary is the insurance consultant, who may act in a similar manner to an insurance broker.

1 comment:

  1. As we all know, we can see many different companies that emerged here in the market. We should be aware of the things we can have with the help of insurance companies. These companies really give a great help for a person like me.

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